End of School Year
The month of June is full of end of year graduation songs,
an unexpected child's laugh and a noisy class of fun.
In June we can smell the heat from the playground,
we hold sweaty little hand's and
hear the sound of little feet running and jumping.
June tastes like water from a fountain,
one last piece of apple.
June feels like one more farewell hug.
But this end of the year will be different.
We will miss the song rehearsals, those little hands to hold.
The excited running around outside.
Wiping tears that sometimes fall.
And giving that reassuring hug.
To say well done, good job, you did it!
We have to say goodbye with our hands, our eyes and a smile.
We say goodbye with the pain of distance.
But with the certainty that we will all return soon
and we will be stronger.
Fin de Curso
El mes de junio suena a canción de fin de curso,
a risotada inesperada y a clase alborotada.
El mes de junio huele a calor en el patio,
a manitas sudadas y a prisas en el pasillo.
El mes de junio sabe a agua de la fuente,
a manzana de última hora y a abrazo de despedida.
Pero este fin de curso será diferente.
Echaremos de menos los ensayos,
el calor de las guardias de patio
y los goterones de sudor de las horas de baile.
Nos diremos adiós con la mano,
con los ojos y con una sonrisa.
Nos despediremos con la pena de la distancia,
pero con la certeza de que volveremos pronto
y más fuertes.